Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tag I'm it...

My quilt twin Paula tagged me for Fluff Five. I am not sure how entertaining this will be, but here I go.

Five Things Found in Your Bag/Purse:
Up until Monday evening I had not carried a purse for over two years .

1. My red business card holder which actually holds my drivers license, debit card, and folding money.
2. My new iPod :^)
3. Cell phone
4. hand sanitizer
5. medicine tin with Ibuprofen, Sudafed,Benadryl (can you tell I have allergies?)

Five Favorite things in your room:

1.My new bed!!! I love my mattresses!
2. The stack of books I like to read. Now that Ray is gone most of the time I read alot.
3. Quilted wall hanging that Ray's Granny made for us.
4.Quilt that Ray's Grandma made.
5. Quilt that Granny made.

Five Things you have always wanted to do:

1. Go to college
2. Be a nurse
3. Travel to New Zealand
4. Travel to Australia
5. Teach

Five things you are currently into:

1. Learning new quilting skills : curved piecing, machine applique, machine embroidery
2. House hunting
3. Culling junk from my house
4. Staying on my youngest son's back until he finishes everything that is due before graduation!
5. Spending as much time as I can with my friends in Mobile before I move away.

Not too interesting huh? LOL


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