Monday, March 5, 2012

Some progress has been made

Can you tell what this is?
This is a container with all the little tips that I cut from the HSTs that I made for Ray's wall quilt. I think it looks kinda pretty, but I'm glad I cut them off. I don't always cut the tips off my HSTs but can see in a quilt this size how it would create lots of bulk.

This is a cigar box with some of the HSTs. They looks so cute all lined up and neat.

Here are a few more of the HSTs.
I made a sample block, and boy am I glad I did! I missed the small print in the pattern that recommended all the seams to be pressed open for bulk management. It was lumpy and bumpy and looked like I didn't sew straight.

There will be little time to work on them today as I have a full list of things to accomplish and I have had a late start. :(

Another item Ray picked out at the expo was a wool applique picture. His Granny used to make items for her house and he said it reminded him of her stuff. I have everything I need except wool thread. I guess a Google search will help with that. I hope so anyway.

Ok, off to start checking things off my list.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The HST's look very pretty and yes, do press the seams open!!!

Also, your directions say to use wool thread? Most of mine say use perle cotton or DMC floss. Why don't you try that? It will be much easier to obtain than the wool and look great!
Linda G