Thursday, November 29, 2012

New to me

Have you ever seen this stuff before? Have you tried it?
I have horrible dry hands. I know it is from handling cotton fabric and doing dishes by hand but no amount of hand lotion will bring back soft supple skin. Do NOT tell me it has to do with age. I will dance around with my fingers in my ears singing lalala-lalala-lalala-lalala-lalala until you stop!

Anyway back to the subject. I found this stuff at a cute little quilt shop called Cotton Patch in Tulsa and wondered if it would help with my not being able to hang on to fabrics. My skin is so dry the fabric just slips through. I have no grip at all. It states that it is safe for fabric and non toxic, I have dry eyes too so I am constantly rubbing them. I don't want anything that I have to remember to wash my hands before touching my eyes or mouth.
I tried it today for the first time and I think it reminds me of the stuff I used years ago when I worked for the County. I think it was called Tacky Finger or something like that. My memory of it is that it was a yellow/gold color. This stuff is clear like a silicone and it reminds me of Thread Heaven without the glitter.
So far it works just fine. I do have to reapply every half hour or so of constant piecing. I am not certain of that amount of time but it I am guessing.

Still no news about our future whereabouts. So to give me something else to think about I have been playing in my 2 1/2" strip drawer.

pardon the out of focus shot of the design wall

lots more to add to the design wall

I determined to not cut anymore strips and only use what I had. There will be plenty of each color but not a lot of variety as I had already used a lot of these three colors in previous projects. I used up many strips that I had 15" or less. Many fabrics have been in the stash for as long as I have been piecing, it was time they got used up.
One of the classes I took at Craftsy was learning to quilt large quilts on a small machine. I think this will be the perfect thing to put what I learned into practise.


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