In June I thought I was fine, but apparently not. My sadness and apparent depression were showing themselves in my constant anger and inability to be pleased by anyone.
I think I have survived though, and just in time! I'm sure the men in my life were getting pretty tired of it, although they never once snapped back or complained.
I have been sneaking into the sewing room and making some small paper pieced pineapple blocks. I think I wrote about them before. I'm back to being able to slide those through the machine and listen to my audio book and enjoy myself. So much so that I sat too long Saturday night and I have a kink in my back. :)
Jimmy and Lauren didn't get the wedding quilt, but we gave them a gift card to Target for incidentals they didn't get in the showers and a written promise that the quilt is on it's way. Now that it is in writing I have to stay focused. That just means I can't work on it this week as the muscle relaxers are making me unfocused. :)
This week I ordered the newest Karen K Buckley Perfect Scissors. and I LOVE them. These are 6" from tip to bottom. They are the perfect size for snipping threads while doing the paper piecing pineapples. The color is pretty too!

I have had the larger version for a few years and I do love them, but always felt they were a bit long and I have managed to hit the sewing machine and my table with the super pointy and super sharp tips. Leaving scars on the Bernina is not a good thing!

I love these scissors because they are sharp and have a serrated blade which grabs the fabric and doesn't let it slide out of the blade while cutting. I also love them because they have a LARGE area for my fingers to go through. I have so many scissors that are relegated to the scissor drawer because they either won't let me put my fingers in or they won't let my finger go when I want to put them down.
Now I'm off to play a bit...
PS.I learned something new yesterday. My male dog loves to eat Hydrangea leaves. I also learned Hydrangea leaves are not good for him. Lesson learned! Hydrangea is now out of the lanai and out of his reach.