I never want to leave again!
My back is killing me from too much car time. We did stop and spend the night about half way this time, but still.
While on the way we did a fast (30 minutes) stop at a small little shop just about 30 minutes from my father-in-law's house. I picked up a couple of charm packs. I am not sure why except they made me happy and that was enough at the time. I also spied this cute little turtle pincushion pattern by Heather Bailey. How cute is that??
Henrietta Turtle |
Coming home we had plans to stop at another shop but I decided I just wanted to keep going and get home.
Now for random thoughts and questions.
I have been seeing a lot about Jubilee quilts all over the blog world. Is this just something random someone thought of and others jumped on the band wagon or have people always celebrated like this and I have never paid attention?
I have been thinking about my next birthday. It will be my 50th and I am just starting to come to terms with that number. I don't understand my qualms with it, since it is just a number, and I feel terrific for the shape I'm in. You know the round shape causes great issues with people. Doctors and Insurance companies don't like round. Round makes it hard to put on your shoes, which in turn makes it hard to go for a nice long walk to change your shape to a new shape. But I got off track didn't I?
I have been thinking about making a Jubilee quilt. I don't know if I want to make one of my own design or if I want to use one of the beautiful patterns I already own.
Have you seen
Nana Girl's jubilee? It is going to be beautiful! Karen is so nice and talented. She also has a great eye for color. I loved looking at her quilts when she did a show and tell at the retreat. BEAUTIFUL work!
Bonnie Hunter has a jubilee quilt in the works.
The Colorado Lady has one she is working on.
Lori over at
Humble Quilts, and Tammy over at
Treadleworks by Tammy, Barb at
Fun with Barb, and Julie at
JulieKQuilts just to name a few.
I am not usually one to do stuff just because someone else is doing it, but since I have been avoiding even looking at the number 50 much less saying it and putting it in the same sentence with the words "I'm turning", maybe a Jubilee quilt will help me not pay so much attention. Maybe it can come and go and I will concentrate so much on the quilt I won't notice...so much...maybe?
I'm headed to the sewing room..