I have got to get myself more organized. I feel like I am running in circles and getting nothing accomplished. Ray keeps telling me I don't have to worry about the move since the movers will pack everything, but I still need to get everything organized. I don't want to move stuff that we don't need or want anymore. I have had 2 of my children move out since we have lived in this house. I don't need to move all of their stuff with me, I need to weed out their stuff and get rig of anything no one wants anymore.
Can I be honest with you? I don't have just a sewing room, I have a sewing house! I have something in every room that should be in my sewing room. I need to get the whole place organized so I can have it arrive in the new place at least sort of organized. There is no need of having 47 boxes of MISC delivered.
I am pretty free with my belongings. I allow people to borrow my stuff all the time. Now I have to remember who all has stuff of mine and get it back. Books, rulers, patterns, quilting hoops; I wish I has a clap on clap off homing beacon on them. It would make my life easier! LOL
Besides the complete feeling on frustration over all that I need to do, I have been sick for the past 2 days. I think I have the flu. I got my flu shot so I don't have the horrid symptoms that everyone who didn't get the shot is having that the Lord for that! I have mostly just been extremely tired and achy and nauseated. Tomorrow has got to be better!