Sunday, April 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Joseph!
He has the biggest heart and not ashamed to show his love.
I love my baby!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tag I'm it...
Five Things Found in Your Bag/Purse:
Up until Monday evening I had not carried a purse for over two years .
1. My red business card holder which actually holds my drivers license, debit card, and folding money.
2. My new iPod :^)
3. Cell phone
4. hand sanitizer
5. medicine tin with Ibuprofen, Sudafed,Benadryl (can you tell I have allergies?)
Five Favorite things in your room:
1.My new bed!!! I love my mattresses!
2. The stack of books I like to read. Now that Ray is gone most of the time I read alot.
3. Quilted wall hanging that Ray's Granny made for us.
4.Quilt that Ray's Grandma made.
5. Quilt that Granny made.
Five Things you have always wanted to do:
1. Go to college
2. Be a nurse
3. Travel to New Zealand
4. Travel to Australia
5. Teach
Five things you are currently into:
1. Learning new quilting skills : curved piecing, machine applique, machine embroidery
2. House hunting
3. Culling junk from my house
4. Staying on my youngest son's back until he finishes everything that is due before graduation!
5. Spending as much time as I can with my friends in Mobile before I move away.
Not too interesting huh? LOL
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Back in the Saddle...
Have you ever tried InvisGrip? It is great for the back of rulers and templates so they don't slide around on the fabric while you are trying to cut.

I love this new book! I think it would make a great snuggle quilt for my Pastor's wife, and with my new mad Applique skills I could whip this one out in no time! Yep, I'm delusional! LOL

I am not an art quilter, but I have been influenced lately by my friends who are game for more arty stuff, especially Suzanne. She recommended this book to me and told me to "give it a go".

Monday, April 21, 2008

Aren't the babies cute?
On my husband's camera he has pictures of Osprey and an alligator that was swimming in the lake where we went fishing.
Speaking of fishing, my youngest hasn't had much chance to do it much in his lifetime, but man does he love to do it! He is a fisherman my Papa would have loved to fish with. No fussing about the heat, bugs, bait, nothing! he was always the last one to reel his line in at the end of the evening. We would leave Disney World and be headed back to the hotel and he would say, "Hey Dad, you wanna go fishing now?" knowing Ray would rather fish than eat or sleep. So Ray would speed up and run up to our room grab the gear and off we would go until dark.

When we weren't looking for a place to live or fishing we were visiting our other favorite place. I have always loved the Magic Kingdom. We have not been there in 12 years so this was an eye opening experience. It is much more crowded than it was then. It is a little less magical than it was the first time I went and it is starting to show it's age but I still loved it. Hey when I was 38 years old I had a few scars and bumps and I didn't have near as many people running all over me.
I will post more later, I am going to take a nap. After yesterday's drive I am pooped!
Friday, April 11, 2008
snap shots of my past week
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
I am still around
I have a senior in high school who not only is graduating in six weeks, he has senior project due in less than two weeks, 18th birthday in 2-1/2 weeks, last concert of his high school career in four weeks, 20 hours of community service due in a 10 days, and the big drivers license test. The only problem with all of this, he doesn't drive alone yet! So I have to go everywhere he goes!
I have business stuff to close up and transfer, fabric to dye, a dye class to teach, and thread to deliver. I have decided to donate books I know I will not read again to a local assisted living facility, so have to get them all boxed up and delivered.
I have been watching an EBay auction on a Bernina 1230 and won it last night. I am so excited. Now I am having problems with Pay Pal! They want me to verify something, but for some reason it won't let me. I called my husband who I think is all knowing about everything I don't know anything about, but he told me he didn't know what to do. Now don't you think that was a bit rude?! LOL I think he should be able to fix any and all of my problems! LOL
Anyway, today is guild business meeting day and I have to head off to that, then haul my youngest to a community service appointment and then get home to ... you understand.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I have been playing around with it today and having a fun time. I will post a picture tomorrow of what I sewed today. It really isn't hard. I am usually sceptical when it comes to curved seams, but this one really does go together well, with no headache at all. I am impressed!
Since Ray is gone and I don't keep to a schedule when he is away I just realized I have not eaten since lunch at noon. No wonder I am starving! I think I will go have a bowl of cereal and listen to some more Mitford stories.