I have been trying to get all of my computer stuff transferred to my new email address and new server. Everyone seems to be cooperating except Blogger. Yahoo took a couple of days, but finally came around, but Blogger is being stubborn.
I am not the most computer savvy person so even small things frustrate me and makes me want to throw the whole mess in the pool!
I have finally started cooking and let me tell you I never thought I would be happy to be cooking! I forgot how good it smelled to have the slow cooker going all day. :^)
It has been about 17 years since Ray has worked close enough to come home for lunch, but now we do. I loved it today, but I wonder if I will get irritated with it like I did before. I think I didn't like it before because I had little ones at home and I had to stop my day to cook lunch for him (me and kids were happy with a sandwich and a can of soup) and then clean it up, then I had to start thinking about supper. Ray has always liked to eat supper early, and if I cooked him lunch I was never hungry for an early supper.
I hope I have grown and can work this better and enjoy it more. I really do enjoy seeing him in the middle of the day.
Ray and I have an amazing relationship. After over 27 years married and almost 29 years of being a couple I still love hearing his voice on the phone and would rather spend my time with him than with anyone else. I have been very blessed to have been given such a gift.
Sorry no pictures again, but I can't find my cable that hooks my camera to my computer. One of these days I will have this house together, I hope.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Home for sale
Today my home in Alabama goes on the market. I have worked for the past two weeks painting every room and scrubbing every surface preparing for today. I am glad that part is over!
The market is very soft all over the US, but I am not worried. My husband's company will purchase our home if it doesn't sell in sixty days. Whew! What a relief!
I had a moment that I cried, mostly because my youngest cried. This is really the only home he has known. We moved in when he was going into second grade, so all of his memories are there. Poor thing tried so hard to be "grown up", but at the last second he laid his head on my shoulder and let go. I knew he had been acting antsy all morning, being rather grumpy and short with his answers. As we headed out he was very quiet as looked out his window as if he was searching for memories. We pulled onto the freeway and he started talking and he continued talking as hard and fast as his mouth would let him. He continued that until we had driven far enough he no longer recognized the surroundings.
Today to celebrate being home, I have tons on my To Do list. I HAVE to go to the grocery store, but I WANT to start getting my sewing room set up.
Let's see what I get done!
The market is very soft all over the US, but I am not worried. My husband's company will purchase our home if it doesn't sell in sixty days. Whew! What a relief!
I had a moment that I cried, mostly because my youngest cried. This is really the only home he has known. We moved in when he was going into second grade, so all of his memories are there. Poor thing tried so hard to be "grown up", but at the last second he laid his head on my shoulder and let go. I knew he had been acting antsy all morning, being rather grumpy and short with his answers. As we headed out he was very quiet as looked out his window as if he was searching for memories. We pulled onto the freeway and he started talking and he continued talking as hard and fast as his mouth would let him. He continued that until we had driven far enough he no longer recognized the surroundings.
Today to celebrate being home, I have tons on my To Do list. I HAVE to go to the grocery store, but I WANT to start getting my sewing room set up.
Let's see what I get done!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I forgot about the pins
I said I would tell you about the pins and forgot until after I hit send. Any quilter/sewer knows pins are a necessary evil. Those same things that poke us, make us bleed and scream out in pain are necessary item if we want things to lay straight, flat and true. Well I am what Quilts, Inc. in their latest survey would call a "Dedicated" quilter, my husband calls it a "Rabid" quilter. After no less than 5 different people have vacuumed the carpets in my home, I still found 2 pins in the carpet! I just hope the next owners like to wear shoes in the house and don't have small children!
Spic and Span

My "old" house in Alabama is now spic and span, clean as a pin (more on pins later), slick as a whistle and echos like the best auditorium.

What was going to be a "jam up" one day job that the cleaning crew company promised me turned into a three day ordeal where Joseph and I did a lot of the work ourselves. Now we are both exhausted and have bruises, cuts and sore muscles. So much so that now I am going to have to rest a day or so before I can start painting which I was suppose to have started on Tuesday.

Oh well I just have to keep reminding myself, "all in God's timing". Being frustrated with the situation is just spinning my wheels.
Last night as I was laying in bed (twin mattress on the floor- do you feel sorry for me?) nursing my sore arthritic hands and fingers from all of the abuse of the day I had a WONDERFUL thought. I remembered that today was the day my friends across the water from me meet to chat and laugh and sew. I am going to head over there and relax and enjoy their company. I am so excited I can't stand it. Jo, the lady who's house we meet in LOVES halloween. She decorates like you would not believe, so I can't wait to see what she has done this year. I'll bring pictures back.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I have good news and bad news...
Every move has casualties and I should be able to handle it better after all the moves, but some of these make me sad. This is the base and legs of my Hinterberg Homestead Hoop and Stand. It is about 15 years old and it wasn't cheap then. I haven't looked to see how much they cost now, but I am sure it is alot.
This was my every day cutting mat. I loved it. It was the perfect size for most rotary cutting and it fit perfect on my little personal table on the left of my sewing area. How did they cut it like this?
This ruler was the very first rotary ruler I ever bought. It is great for beginners because it has gripper lines on the back that dig into the fabric so it doesn't slip. Beginners have enough on their minds with cutting to have to worry about the ruler slipping.
This was my retreat and workshop mat. Small enough to fit in my bag, but big enough to be usable. :^(
This was my small on that sets by my machine for trimming while paper piecing. I have already tried laying them on my driveway in the sun with a box on them and they are still warped. So sad.
But this is the Good news!!! This is ELEVEN feet of continuous closet! It looks like it is two closets but it is just one BIG one. The ceilings in the house are 12 feet, but the closets are only 10 feet, with a shelf above. I can fit all of my fabric in there and shut the doors to keep the sun out. At least I hope I can fit it all in. :^) We will know soon!
The movers had a sense of humor. Every box except the ones labeled kitchen was labeled "Craft Room". I Kid you not! I have gone through almost every box and all but about 8 boxes say "Craft Room", and almost every box has something quilt related in them. Example I opened one today that is a large closet type box with the hanger bar in it, labeled "Craft Room" and it had my husband's golf clubs, my small vacuum cleaner and a small Rubbermaid box of fabric.

I opened another labeled "Craft Room" and it was my kids old stuffed animals (yes I still have them) a HUGE box of Lego's and a medium size Rubbermaid box of fabric. And just think I gave these guys a tip for being so nice and careful and fast (they got me to Florida a whole day earlier than they contracted for). Next time I will check the box labels BEFORE I give the tip! LOL
Tomorrow...more boxes...what will I find? Probably "Craft" stuff! LOL
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