Can you say...stress? Excitement? Tired? Frustrated? Mad?
Because you would think the mortgage company would be doing their best work to get this house in our name. You would think they would have all their i's dotted and their t's crossed since we are closing in the morning at 9am. But would you believe my husband has been on the phone ALL day with them just so they would get the papers faxed to our attorney, releases to the title company, an email to us with the amount the checks needed to be, before the bank closed at 4pm. Can you guess when we got the email? 3:20 pm!!!
We had the final walk through at 4pm and the sellers agent called to say she would be late because she was spending time with her grand children. So being nice we said no problem what time would be better for you? 4:30, she would be there by 4:30. Now mind you she has known about the time of the walk through for a week, since she is the one who set the time to begin with!
Well you know how it is when you have a lot going on in your life sleep tends to become a scarce friend. I have been going to bed at a decent hour, 10-11 pm but waking up around midnight or 1am and not able to go back to sleep. Oh well, maybe it will all be over this time tomorrow. I hope anyway.
While we were doing the walk through I noticed that things just didn't look very clean. I was paying a lot of attention to the walls and door facings because they had an estate sale over the weekend and we were afraid they might have damaged things moving the furniture. The walls and door facings looked fine, but the kitchen was dirty. I don't mean just not swept I mean sticky stuff in the drawer, the fridge just cleaned out of the food, but not cleaned. Sink not even scrubbed out. I opened the dishwasher and found he had left it loaded with dishes!
The sellers agent actually said this to me, "poor man, he tried, but you know it is harder on you when you have to sell and move at the same time" (insert sound of crickets) I looked at her and said, "Isn't that how most people do it?" "Isn't that what I am doing?"
So now I have to clean the house I am buying (which I expected to clean some, like bathrooms and sinks, etc ) and also the house I am leaving.
In every room there is stuff he left. The carpet in the master bedroom and formal living room is a light color and needs to be cleaned. He even left bars of used soap in two of the showers! So needless to say I have to scrub the house top to bottom.
Oh well just as soon as I watch The Big Bang Theory I am going to bed and pray I sleep!
Tomorrow everything with look better I'm sure.