Thursday, May 20, 2010


Just looking at this mess can you tell what I am making? LOL  Believe me it is gonna be great!

Here are the 1 1/2" sqs I have been working on. This is going to make a really great looking Bonnie Hunter design I have loved for a very long time. I am so glad I got the squares from Linda G.
Here is the new furniture. The recliner is the OLD one that Ray loves so it has to stay, but I am surprised how well it goes with the new stuff. The new chair looks much lighter than it really is and Ray's chair is almost a perfect match to the sofa. I have decided to make a big effort to get rid of the ugly blue rectangle on the wall. I was just waiting to see how the furniture looked and then I could make a decision on the wall color.

Now I am tired and want to sleep....I hope I sleep past 3am!

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