Monday, July 25, 2011

No title today...

There has been no fun going on around here lately. There has been stifling heat and humidity although we have been better off than the central states. I haven't walked the dogs more than run out and run back in due to almost constant thunder (it causes Little Girl's bladder to close up tighter than a drum!) and lightening. We are in the season of the year of almost daily rain in the afternoons. I really don't like getting rained on, I guess it all stems from being told by my Papa I would melt if I got rained on. At least one person in my life thought I was sweet as sugar. Anyway with the afternoon rain I have to plan my activities around them or nothing gets done. So what do you think has happened? Nothing! I am not a good planner.

I have gone in the sewing room a couple of times but it needs cleaning so bad I usually turn and come right back out. I have not felt much like bending and moving stacks and putting away and the such. My F/A is giving me fits for the past week or so. Too much stiffness and pain.

Luckily I have less stiffness and pain in my hands (just my thumbs) so I have been learning to bead a new stitch. I am doing an odd count tubular peyote stitch.

This was going to be a large bangle bracelet. I have never done anything like this and have been using beads I have had for a long time. Once I got this far I discovered I could never finish it. See the large clear beads at the top of the ridge? I will run out of those beads in about two more rounds. I have no idea where I bought them or even what size they are. So I decided I will make it as far as it goes and then put it on my shelf. I love the way it looks. I like it so much I know I will make another one, but make sure I have enough beads to complete a full bracelet. I know at least two young ladies who would love to wear a wild bracelet like that.

Last night, I was really feeling bad, Ray was watching TV and I didn't want to go to bed. I put all of my beading stuff on a cookie sheet and sat in the living room with Ray and the pups.

It worked perfectly! See that wooden thing at the top left of the picture? That is a really pretty wooden thread and needle keeper Ray bought me in Wyoming. I have to be careful with it, as it has a very powerful magnet in it and it has already done a number on my iPod.  I was able to reset it and it is fine, but lesson learned!
I think I will go get in the pool and try to work some of the stiffness out. I am tired of feeling bad so I must get pro-active!



Anonymous said...

I love your bangle thingy. It would look really pretty hanging in a window reflecting light.
Linda G

Anonymous said...

good job!