Monday, September 5, 2011

Thanks, but keep praying

I'm still here and kicking, but it is getting lower and lower each day.

I won't rehash my dad's plight, but he is still in the nursing home and I don't know much more than that.

Yesterday Ray got a call from his dad's wife and she was crying. We knew his dad was in the hospital having some tests run so Ray immediately thought the worst. Come to find out his dad has been taking Alzheimer's meds and since he has been in the hospital for a few days it was just too much for him. He is completely confused. He doesn't know exactly where he is, he thinks he has been moved to a nursing home (he hasn't). He thinks his wife and her son took his car and truck and left them somewhere, (they didn't). Ray spent a good hour last night trying to reassure him he was in the same place and safe and his wife was coming back up there as soon as she rested.

We spent the rest of the night trying to figure out if Ray needed to go to Arkansas since his dad has no one who can really take care of him. We have worried about this for a while and it has finally happened.

 Maybe I should rename my blog, Dieing to Quilt!
Ray has taken a few days of vacation so you know I haven't had any time to even touch my sewing machine. Really I don't mind, since I am finally getting that old longing back to go in there. I guess I just needed some absence to make my heart grow fonder?! :)

1 comment:

Jo Caglione said...

So sorry to hear about Ray's Dad. This is not and easy time and now you're getting it double. Hang in there and know we will all be praying for you all.
