I am truly a sick person. I live breath and eat quilting. I like to read blogs, but I can't read many because all I do is get more ideas for quilts I want to make. After a week of blog reading I have anywhere from 5 to 25 more quilts I want to make, which wouldn't be a problem but this happens EACH WEEK! LOL I have so many UFOs I actually have a landing strip in my sewing area. I need to buy stock in Sterilite!
Several weeks ago my SIL jumped into blog land. This would normally be great as she is a wonderful writer and quilter, but that is the problem! She is a wonderful write and quilter! She sucks me in and inspires me so I feel the need to make "just a block" of whatever she shows she has been working on. Well, that is a problem, since my SIL is a home caregiver she has alot of stay at home time and is able to crank out lots of tops. Plus she is fast! She can make three blocks to my one any day of the week, so I am always behind and getting behinder. Oh well, I guess I could look at it as I will always have something to do.
Then there is Bonnie, (don't you love it when someone is known by a single name?) who has been generous for years with her patterns and pictures. I love to look at her website and reread all the hints and tips. I would love to have a thimble full of her creativity.
I have been upstairs sewing this week as I stated before getting ready for a retreat that starts in 26 hours. Last year when I attended this retreat I signed up for a Christmas block swap. Twelve of us signed up and we will all make 12 blocks of one design and swap them with the other participants. I first was going to make something out of my hand dyed fabrics, but then decided I didn't think it looked good with the unbleached muslin everyone agreed to use for the background. So now I am making a star from Nancy Johnson-Sebro's book Stars by Magic and I really like it.

I have so many UFOs to take to the retreat I think I will be culling the pile so I don't need a U-Haul to take all. To carry my UFOs in I found some nifty boxes at Target. They snap together and are big enough to lay my 12" sq ruler in, which is really cool. I like being a tad bit organized so this seems to help me in that area.

EEK! It is already after 8am and I have so much to do (fade in the white rabbit scampering and saying "I'm late, I'm late...)
Hopefully I will have tons to post later but I want to get some more blocks make before lunch.