have been called a freak by those who love me because I love to iron. I really hate wrinkles. I have a love hate relationship with my irons. I love them as long as they get really hot, I set mine on scorch, and they produce lots of steam. In the past ten years or so I have probably gone through at least a dozen irons. My first iron was a Rowenta that I loved for a whole 3 weeks, until it started leaking water. Then it started pouring water so OUT it went. Then I went from iron to iron, brand to brand looking for an iron I could love. I finally about 6 years ago found a
T-Fal that was wonderful, until it took a nose dive off the ironing board. Oh the horrors! I honestly cried! I was so frustrated because I knew the kind of life that was a head of me. I had to search high and low for a new iron that would get HOT and not leak. And I also knew just because this T-Fal didn't leak and got very hot the next one probably would not.
Just about that time I was preparing to go to Houston to the International Quilt Show and Market. While at market I discovered the Best Press starch alternative. It was GREAT! I fell in love instantly. I only had to worry about a HOT iron now and not one that didn't leak because I had found this wonderful spray. Until the sales girl lowered the boom and told me the price. Even buying it wholesale was WAY too expensive. We are talking something like $8 for 16 ounces. Now I don't mind paying for something that I like and need, but come on! I bought 3 little sample bottles they were just about giving away to try and convince those of us who didn't want to spend our children's college fund on things that were good products but not absolutely necessary.
I took the bottles home and shared a couple with my friends to get their opinions, just in case I just didn't get it they could explain it to me. :)
Then I happened upon the Dryel starch alternative and I saw this huge big bottle for like $3 or maybe it was $4, but it was HUGE! I put it in my buggy and went happily on my way.
I actually did a side by side comparison so I would know beyond a doubt which one I liked best.
Mary Ellen's Best Press:Pro:
Couple of scents to choose from
Pump works well
Dryel Starch Alternative:Pro:
Pump works well
The winner is (insert drum roll here)
DRYELI am sold on the stuff. I don't love the smell, but I have learned that after the first spray of the day it isn't so bad. I also hold my head back and don't suck it all up in my nose. If I was to be asked by Dryel how to make the product better I would ask them to remove the perfume.
I hope this has been a help to any of you who have never tried the stuff. You know I am here to try and be a blessing.