Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hotels are just not what they used to be.
When I was young we NEVER stayed in a hotel. We hardly ever went anywhere, and when we did we stayed at a family member's home. Once when I was in elementary school we went to Austin for my sister to take some sort of test for her cosmetology license. We stayed in a Holiday Inn on the third floor. That was the only time I remember staying in a hotel and it was just for one night.
I have spent more time in hotels in the past two years that I have probably in the 10 years previous. I remember when hotels were fun to stay in. I remember when the staff of hotels worked to make you feel wanted and appreciated. Not so much anymore. Now it seems like you are an inconvenience and a bother to the staff.
When you have to ask to have your room cleaned, there is a problem. Really, I had to ask TWICE to have my room cleaned. Then one morning about 7:45 am there was a knock on the door. I jump to see if Ray had lost his key just to find two male staff members asking me if I wanted my room cleaned. First I ask them to repeat because I am half asleep. Then I look at the door to see if the Do Not Disturb sign is in place and sure enough it is. I ask them if they read and understand english (many of the staff of this hotel are from various countries, I wasn't being rude). They said they could and so I ask them if they saw the sign on the door. They both, BOTH said yes they saw it but needed to get started on cleaning rooms as they had a full hall to do. What would you do?
I just shut the door. I was afraid of what would come out of my mouth.
Honestly I don't expect much. I want clean sheets and a very clean bathroom. That is about all...well except there is NO reason to not have free WiFi.
I have learned to wear my shoes until I get into the bed. I carry my own Lysol to disinfect and I wipe all surfaces that I or my husband will touch. I carry a quilt and my own pillows when we travel by car. I really am a pretty easy person to get along with in a hotel. All I ask is that the staff do what they are suppose to do. Especially when they cost as much as they do!
Anyway...enough of that! I am repacking and getting ready for next week in Wilmington, North Carolina! I have never been there so I am excited.
I am picking what sewing project I will take since I can take my machine this time. Fun!
I found a new pattern (like I needed a new one) while in Colorado and I can't decide if I want start it or work on something I have already started. Decisions, decisions...
When I get home my MIL will be here the next day, and no I am not ready for her yet! I still have a huge mess in the hallway to her room. My sewing room can not be stepped in. But it will be fine. My MIL is wonderful and never says one word about messes. Everyone should have such a MIL.
Ray can't wait for her to get here. He has been thinking of all the great food she is going to cook for him. He is gaining weight just thinking about it. Chicken and dumplin's, caramel pie, coconut pie, all flavors of pie, minute steaks and potatoes and gravy, fried chicken...basically comfort food. That is a good description of her...comfort. Can you tell we love her?
Gotta go pack some more.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Can you believe?
I am checking my email and posting a note here.
I don't really want to drive down the mountain as I have had enough of that so I decided to come here for some peace and quiet.
I was able to listen to children read to volunteers and that was nice.
My room in the hotel has a balcony over the indoor swimming pool. This pool is busy from 9am to 11pm. So staying there for peace and quiet is out of the question.
I had dinner alone last night as Ray had dinner with the seminar people. I really didn't want to go sit with 25 people I didn't know. After Ray got back we compared notes on dinner and he decided from now on he goes with me instead of them! LOL
I went to a local BBQ place and ate at the BAR! Can you believe it? I have never...well maybe I did when I was a kid and went with my Daddy to the ice house but I don't remember.
Anyway I had a great pulled pork sandwich and had a nice chat with the owner/bartender. She was very friendly and gave me names of places to check out.
When I leave the library I have no idea what I will do, but I am sure it will be something Ray wouldn't enjoy. LOL
I am sure this sounds boring to most but I am having a great day!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Where in the world is Diane?

We have had a lot of fun exploring and seeing all sorts of beautiful sights. God sure has blessed us with all of the beauty He has put around us.
We even got to spend one night out under the stars up on top of a mountain. I will tell about it in detail later.
I was able to return to a wonderful gift/quilt shop that I found last year. The name has changed but the great shop, owner and staff have not. I spent about two hours there this morning looking around and honestly I could have spent two more. Go to their website and check them out. . All the profits from the shop go to the needy. That is 100%! WOW!
I love this shop and it is proven by the receipt I have in my purse. As you walk in the door you are greeted warmly and asked you would like to try some tea or cookies. I hardly ever drink while I shop as I am messy but after the night on the mountain top I decided to try some of the blueberry iced tea. YUM! Then I got brave and tried some of the spiced chai tea. YUMMER! Then I HAD to stop as I was buzzing like crazy! LOL
I found myself a cute little wallet and a cute cute flip note with a pen. I found a booklet for my SIL who is a caregiver. I always look for something for others but I never seem to find anything special for her. I bought two little quilters chocolate tins for gifts for friends at the upcoming retreat. I decided to get myself some Chai Amore teas since it was SO good. I bought the East India Spice and also the Wild Raspberry. I am sure I will return before I go home.
More later,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
What were you doing 28 years ago today?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What does Rosanna Rosanna Danna say?
(Lovely view of the partially painted wall huh?)
The repair man came this morning to tell me there was no quick fix. He couldn't even disconnect the right front burner and leave the the rest of them. If one is disconnected then all of them quit working. UGH!
Oh well it could always be worse...I could have to pay the repair bill!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dealing with customer service...

I got them home and was admiring how pretty and clear they were and how the lids snapped to the bottom of the container so you don't lose the lid in the "cave of old butter tubs and sherbet containers" also known as the leftover dish cabinet. I was so excited...until I noticed the small dish's lid didn't snap, it just sort of barely clung to the bottom. Oh NO! This can't be, I can not go back to the grocery store and return this...I hate returning things!
So what did I do? I called Rubbermaid this morning expecting to have to talk to a computer and push multiple numbers to get to leave my name on a machine and never hear from human, but oh no! I heard, "Thank you for choosing Rubbermaid how may I help you?" At first I couldn't speak, I was all ready to push buttons not speak so I stammered and stuttered for a second then I finally found my voice and explained my situation. Expecting to hear, "you must return this item to the place of purchase for a refund" but instead heard "type type type, I will send you a coupon to replace the item." excuse me? Huh? You will? I don't have to return it to the store? "No mam we will send you a coupon."
How cool is that?
I am smiling.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Did you hear the bands playing?
The day started out normal enough. We left and headed to get some lunch, you see it had stormed all night and we all know how wonderful it is to sleep in the rain so we lazed around until about 10am.
Every weekend that we are home starts the same, with Ray saying "What would you like to do today?" Normally I say "Oh whatever you would like to do." Normally we don't do much exciting but this weekend we went exploring.
We found quilt shops and antique shops and used book stores and even went to the mall.
Every time we found a quilt shop the guys made themselves scarce until I finally came out bags in hand. When we went to the antique shop we all scattered and looked to our hearts content. I was ready to go after finding two David Baldacci books for $3 each and was so happy I would have whistled if I knew how.
Ray came up to me and asked me if I had seen the "old sewing machine" over in the back. I said I hadn't but I would go look at it if he thought I should. On the way to the back I spied this beauty and decided for the few dollars they wanted for it I would be happy to take it home. There is no way I would make that tiny of a Yo-Yo much less 381 of them!
I just LOVE it! They finish at less than 3/4" across, too small for my fingers, and made from actual real life 1930's fabrics, no reproductions here.
Then I found my way to the back of the store...
To this beauty. It just so happened that the lady who owned it was in the store so we talked about it and came to an agreement after she told me she was a quilter. When I got home I found I paid the same amount it cost when it was new 80 years ago.
It sews beautifully and it is so quiet. I had to clean the felt out of it as I am not sure it had ever been cleaned.
As far as I can tell from the internet this morning I have a Singer 99-13 with a motor. It has everything plus a Button hole worker (that is what the box says).
I originally asked when we left the house to run to Joann's Fabrics to buy some background fabric for a Dinosaur quilt I wanted to make for Linus Quilts in Mobile.
Then I went into this shop in Temple Terrace Florida (I hope that is right) and they are the nicest ladies! I found this Clover bobbin holder and was excited. I have been wanting one since I read about it during Market.
I also bought some Bernina bobbins as I have only 3. I have no idea what happened to my other 3. I know I had 6 to begin with, but they have disappeared.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I was going through a drawer
I LOVE old magazines.