Thursday, February 28, 2008


I love dyeing fabric. I love the "what if" part of it the most. What if I put 2 parts blue and 5 parts yellow and .5 part red? What if I take this piece I dyed last year that I hate and throw this and that and twist it and fold it and throw it in the bag and forget it for 3 days? What if I put a heating pad on this and let it cook for a couple of hours?
What I don't love so much is dyeing to match a piece of previously dyed fabric or even commercial fabric. It isn't so much fun to me. It is too much like work.
I got an email a couple of weeks ago from a quilt artist telling me how much he loved my fabrics and how long he has been buying from me (ever since I first started selling in Houston at the International Quilt Festival) and wondered if I remembered him.
I did remember him. Isn't that funny how I can have hundreds of customers and I can remember them and even what they bought, yet I can't remember to pick up milk at the grocery store?
Anyway, David wanted to know if I would try to match some fabric he had bought from me in Houston in the fall. I explained to him I didn't love doing this. He asked me to visit his website and see the series he was working on from my fabrics. So off I go his website and I am knocked over with the wonderful work he has done! OF COURSE I WILL MATCH IT!
Well after 2 weeks of playing with color and praying for warmer weather since blue needs higher temps that any other color I finally have something done and he approves. I am mailing it off in just a few minutes and I hope he loves it.


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