Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Serious A.D.D. around here!

I want to do some sewing but just can't seem to stay focused! I have looked through books, folders, patterns and magazines. If I find one I like I look over at my fabric that is still not exactly accessible I whine a bit and look at a different pattern, like that is magically going to make my fabric easier to get to.

I found the houses I started working on way back when I first started house hunting. But looking at them brought back all the memories of the anxiety I had at the time I quickly put those down.

I saw my hand piecing project that I have been working on FOREVER and thought I might just zip some through the machine. Then I thought better of it and decided I would be happier if I finished the way I started it. I remember my SIL Paula having the same discussion with herself (and us) a while back...I think I told her to sew it on the machine, but I can't make myself do it. I am so weak!
About six months ago I was given this panel (bad picture huh?) to make a bit larger for the Linus group. As you can plainly see I still have the panel in the original condition, but I have picked some fabric and even cut some strips. Now to remember what I was going to do with these strips! LOL I think I was going to make churn dash blocks, but I didn't have the brain cells to figure it out so I set that aside too.

Now just so you don't think today was a total loss I did get some piecing done. I got some of the "feathers" on one side of a block. The only problem was, on a day like today, with my brain as wacky as it is, I have no business working on anything that has to fit, so I stopped after one since I felt very lucky this one came out as good as it did with only having to rip three seams.

By the way, I went over to the outlet mall and found some cute shoes. I thought about what I would wear to the dinner and decided, I have some new black pants, I will look for a nice shirt and see if the shoes will work and I will have a new outfit with less stress. YES!
Oh and I alsmot forgot, Ray got home before me and when I got home he had started dinner. Sure it was reheating leftovers, but hey this is SO not normal. Oh and he also made a pan of cornbread. I think I am still in shock!

1 comment:

Paula said...

The main thing is keep playing with fabric and looking at patterns. You be hit with inspiration soon.

I have your Pine Burr templates and I cut one out.....threw that sucker in a drawer! I think yours is really looking great. Finish it, put my name on it and mail it to me. I'll use it for the center of beautiful quilt!!!!! LOL