Sunday, December 28, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008
Do you think he's telling me something?

Man is this a great set of cookware or what? I had asked for the small set (7 pieces) but thought it would be a long time since it was so expensive. But Ray said William-Sonoma had a super duper sale last week and he was able to get the 15 piece set for just a little bit more than the smaller set. Needless to say I was very pleased.
I cooked today's dinner with them and they are great. NOTHING stuck, and they cleaned so easily. I will be boxing my Revere cookware and giving it away tomorrow! LOL
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Did she know?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
it's beginning to smell like Christmas...

I also made some snickerdoodles and they turned out really good.Once again, not my picture, but it looks just like my cookies! LOL
I have to run to the store...I do this every year, I forget to buy essentials like shampoo and toothpaste until the stores are super crowded with shoppers. You would think I would learn.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's beginning to feel a bit like Christmas

Thursday, December 18, 2008
It wasn't hard at all and I had so much fun! I guess I needed to have my hand held, Thanks Keryn!
I had so much fun and I like the block so well I cut enough to make a QOV top. You know you have a LARGE stash of 2.5" strips when you can cut 24 blocks from it and not make a dent.
Tonight is another no sleep night so I will be doing more blog surfing. You never know what you will find in this vast blog world!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Stash thoughts...

Not very productive...
I even made me some risers for my feet and my gas pedal. I hope this helps.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
All good things must come to an end...
This picture is of my sewing area just to prove to my husband I did sew a little bit. LOL But he knows me. He knows I would much rather visit that sew. I can sew at home when I am alone, but I can't see my friends anymore anytime I want.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Retreat here I come!
Taking the maverick stars, strippy/scrappy/trash/treasure project and the table cloth. Leaving the wonky log cabins, sister choice (because it is a top!) and the hand work. After thinking about it I know I won't do any hand work.
I am taking my camera so I will have lots of pictures (I hope) when I get back.
Later gator,
Monday, December 1, 2008
I'm not taking this project!

The top is too big to get the whole thing in the picture so I just got the corner. What do you think? I really like it.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Rambling thoughts

(whew what a sentence)

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...
Moving and having to sort my whole sewing room caused me to see all of the projects I have started but never quite finished. I have said before I am A.D.D. and I wasn't just being silly, I really am. I get distracted EASILY, and if I put something away it is as if it never exsisted. So pulled out a few things that I really would like to finish.
At last years retreat I worked on this and LOVED it, but put it away and promptly forgot about it. This is going to be what I call Wonky Log Cabins. One of the reasons I put this away was as I was at the retreat I was dealing with many stressful issues and it showed in my sewing. I am ADD with perfectionistic tendencies. If it is suppose to lay flat and be square that is what I want. If the points are suppose to be pointy I want that too. This was not coming out how I wanted so it was not hard to put it away.

I have no idea where this came from but it could possibly be something I brought home from a Linus group meeting, intending to put borders on and quilt it. As you can see I must have set it aside, because I haven't touched it and can't even remember bringing it home. BTW, I like the green on the bottom better than on the left so I will put a border of that on it and then see what else I can do. Any suggestions?
I found this on Keryn's blog from November 11th. I fell in love with it! I have HUGE strip tubs and so I thought this would be perfect. This one I KNOW I am taking to work on.

This is strip/scrap/trash/treasure type project. You take all of your leftovers and sew them together until you have the size you need. Any and everything goes. This is mindless sewing so this is another one that is going. I can work on this when I don't want to concentrate just chatter and sew.
This is the Maverick stars from Bonnie's website. I have been wondering about it for a while so I threw some stuff together incase. I wonder if I would actually get anything accomplished on this.

This has been in this box since Paducah LAST YEAR! I am so bad! I worked on this in the evenings while trying to recouperate from a long day of shopping. Then I got home and set it aside and you know the rest of the story.

This is the unfinished mystery from Bonnie's first mystery. I was all gung ho, then got to the last step where it was revealed and couldn't make myself finish. It was too much for me. It was too busy to show all the work put into each block. So it has been setting in a box stewing. Once I took it and some friends helped me figure out some settings, but I didn't put the stuff up correctly and lost the paper I wrote it on. Maybe Linda G. will help me again??

Here are my houses... they need lots of work.
And what if I want to do some handwork? This has been setting aside so long it had been (unknowingly) in the scrap bin. I unfolded it and was so excited! I knew I had started this, but forgot where I put it.

Friday, November 28, 2008
Day after/Week before
I did.
We had a very quiet day. I had no meal planned so when I got hungry I went to the pantry to see what I could see. I rustled up some Baked Potato Soup that was delicious. Then I made some Pumpkin Gingerbread; I got the recipe from Judy's blog. This was the second time I made it and it is great.
Last night after the kitchen was cleaned I went into my sewing room and started gathering my thoughts for the retreat I am going to next weekend.
I am really looking forward to this retreat. I will drive back to Alabama Thursday and see my kids then have fun with my quilt guild over the weekend. Then I hope to get to see my kids again before I leave Monday or Tuesday. Of course I am sure they think I am silly wanting to see them twice in 4 days after I have only been gone a month. But I sure do miss them.
I got a call from my nephew yesterday evening as he was driving over to In-Law's to be house for for his first of a lifetime's shared Thanksgiving days. He is such a sweet hearted, kind caring boy (man). He said he called just to say he loved me and wanted to wish me a happy Thanksgiving. Needless to say I was proud he thought of calling when I know how he could easily have been too busy.
I'll show what i am planning for my retreat in a bit...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Is it because I am older?

Friday, November 21, 2008
Honest opinion needed...

I wonder if the reason I don't care for it is because I really don't care for purple. I mean purple is a nice color, and it is pretty and all, but this has so much of it.
I don't know, I am at a loss.
Any thoughts?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Serious A.D.D. around here!

I found the houses I started working on way back when I first started house hunting. But looking at them brought back all the memories of the anxiety I had at the time I quickly put those down.

By the way, I went over to the outlet mall and found some cute shoes. I thought about what I would wear to the dinner and decided, I have some new black pants, I will look for a nice shirt and see if the shoes will work and I will have a new outfit with less stress. YES!
Not excitement, just plugging along
Ray is taking all of next week off as vacation, which is great, he has about 3 weeks he has to try and get used up before the end of the year. I love it when he is home, but I am here to tell you as much as we enjoy each others company after about 3 days I am ready to knock myself in the head if we don't have a plan. Ray's idea of relaxing is sitting in his recliner, remote in his hand, television on some sci-fi channel and me or Joseph bringing him everything. He only gets up for "necessary" things (if you know what I mean).
Now I am the first one to say Ray works hard and long hours and deserves to rest and relax. I don't mind waiting on him, as a matter of fact I love it; to a point. Then like fish after three days it starts to stink! So my plan is to have a plan. But those of you who know me know me and plans are not too good of friends, so this always makes it difficult. We will see how I do.
Ray came home last night and told me we have a company Christmas party to attend in about two weeks. I am at a total loss. I have needed a new dress and shoes for a while. Well need is a bit of a stretch, I have several dresses that are nice, I wear them to church, but you know what I mean. Anyway after the last dinner with the bosses and wives I would like to not look like the country bumpkin come to town.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Home again, home again, jiggity jig
It was so nice that Joseph was there to help because that meant I got to go play at the LQS that is closing it's doors at the end of the month. The owner and I have worked together for more than two years and she is ready for the store to close so she can move on and I am so sad. Funny how that is. I got some of my samples off the walls and brought them home, so you will be seeing pictures of them soon I hope as I work to get them quilted. I also bought my first piece of Minkie. I made a quilt top years ago as a sample for a class I taught. Joseph loves that top and claimed it as his own so I bought a chocolate brown Minkie to back it. He thinks it is wonderful and I can't wait to get it finished now.
Uh Oh, Ray just called and is on his way home for lunch so I need to go fix him something. I will be back later with pictures...
Monday, November 10, 2008
Getting cozy...and busy