Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Timing, visitors and goal met

I was wondering just how long it takes to piece one little pineapple block, start to finish.
Start to finish each pineapple, with one seam being ripped and replaced.
I knew it took a while but I was surprised it too that long. I admit I am pretty persnickety when it comes to piecing. I pick the fabric, trim it straight, piece, press, and trim each one. I can't stand strings and thread hanging so I trim all of those. Ok I guess and hour isn't that long then. :)
It took me a while to get to the sewing room today as I found things that had to be done all day until 3:35pm. That could be why I was in there until 2:45am.  Or it could be insomnia...take your pick.
I had visitors this evening
Little Girl under the sewing table on her pillow chewing a rawhide.

Boo under my chair

They both love their rawhide treat. Little Girl sits so prim chewing sweetly. Boo on the other hand ends up eating it and ripping it all over the room. They are so funny. Boo doesn't bark, ever. He will try to bark when they play, but it sounds like he has laryngitis. It is so funny. He feeds her dinner by scooping food out of the bowl. He is not the alpha dog by any means. He grooms her and moves if she wants the spot he is in. Give him a rawhide and let her come near and he growls like he is about to eat her up!
I was going to sew until I got to 50 blocks. I thought I still needed one more, but on recount I realized I was done. I have two more rounds to make it 51. But honestly I was done. That may be who I have so many UFOs. I sew my brains out until I am sick of doing them and move one to something else and sort of forget. Well maybe not sort of...
I am going to pull the covers over my head and pray I fall asleep, but I really am wide awake. UGH!

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