Tuesday, December 29, 2009
I did it again!

In my sewing room
On my last foray into the deeply loved and seldom visited sewing room I was working on the hexagon blocks. I made more until I have a size I like. Now I have to sew them together into a top. There in lies the rub...I don't like sewing them together. I was fine with it until I got to this part.
I can see much playing of the guilt card to get this into a top.
1. You already have too many UFOs to put this in a box
2. Why work so hard to make these if you just want to put them away
3. I remember when this was started...in Mobile...TWO moves ago!
I talk to myself a lot.
Ok, enough procrastinating, let me see if I can get anything accomplished.
I didn't get to spend any time at all in my sewing room. I was a bit aggrivated when Ray came in and said "let's go". I wanted to stay home, but he will go back to work next week and I can stay home then.
I did get to do some much needed shopping...more on that later.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Recipe - Chichen Spaghetti
I got a request for the Chicken Spaghetti recipe I made the other day so here it is:
2 c. cooked chicken
3 c. dry spaghetti broken into about 2 inch pieces
2 cans Cream of Mushroom soup ( or 1 cream of chicken & 1 cream of mushroom)
2 c. grated sharp cheddar
1/4 c finely diced green pepper
1/4 c. finely diced onion
2 c. chicken broth (either from can or strained from the pot you boiled chicken)
1 tsp. Lawry's seasoned salt
pepper to taste
1 c. additional grated sharp cheddar for the top
*I cut up and cooked a chicken in a pot of water with an onion, two stalks of celery, a couple of carrots, several cloves of garlic and salt and pepper, but you can get your chicken from where ever you like. Of course if you don't cook your own chicken you will need to buy chicken broth.*
Cook your spaghetti in the same broth as the chicken but just until it is barely cooked. Do not cook it all the way or it will be too soft in the casserole.
When the spaghetti is cooked throw all ingredients (except the reserved 1 cup of cheese) in a bowl and mix well. Put mixture in a casserole dish you have sprayed with Pam. Put the reserved cheese on top.
Now you can either cook at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or cover with foil and freeze.
I recommend covering with foil for the first 25-30 minutes, it keeps the edges from drying out.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
More cooking
First I made cinnamon sugar muffins that my guys loved. They turned out great and I know I will make them again.
Then I made cheese puffs like we had at Fuego De Chao. These didn't come out so great. I noticed while making the muffins that the temperature was off (too cool)by a few degrees but I just let them cook longer. The cheese puff didn't work the same way though. After emailing Judy L. a couple of times I think we might have come up with a solution. If we are home tomorrow I will try again.
Then for dinner made a chicken spaghetti casserole. I have never made this before can you believe it? This recipe came out really good. Fortunately it made a lot so I was able to freeze a casserole for another day. I love it when I don't have to plan a meal in advance.
Another day not spent in the sewing room, but it was a good day anyway.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Today and the next two weeks
Then I decided to make some bread. Note to self...always check expiration date on the yeast! It bubbled up when I proofed it, but the bread fell. Oh well, I ran to the store and bought new and have a new loaf baking now. Nothing like fresh bread at 11pm! LOL
With Ray taking the next two weeks off work my days are going to be different. He has something planned for us to do almost every day until his return to work, Tomorrow we go to the movies. We have tickets to Busch Gardens and there is at least two visits to Disney planned.
OH, the bread is ready!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A good day
So I have spent more time unsewing all of the seams I had just put in. I could blame it on the fact I was so interested in the book I was listening to on my iPod I wasn't paying attention. Actually the truth is if I had just stopped and looked at the project closer instead of trying to go from memory I wouldn't be ripping so much. And I was doing perfect 1/4" seams too!
Gotta rip some more...
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Another company Christmas party
Nothing says Christmas like a Reggae band on a beach, and dancing in shorts and flip flops! LOL
Not that we danced, but lots did.
After listening to the band for a few minutes Ray and I decided the lead singer of the band must have owned the microphone and the amp because he really didn't sing that well. Actually the guy on the keyboard sang better. LOL
Thursday, December 10, 2009
A few of my favorite things...
This is Harold who sings "Hark!"
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
I told you it hurt!
When I work in the yard though I wear shorts. I am fat and I get very hot. After working in the yard for a couple of days I noticed a spot on my leg that looked like a bug bite but hurt like the dickens. Ray looked at it and said it looked like a splinter but I wouldn't let him touch it as it put me in orbit if he got within an inch of it.
Finally after over a week of this I was getting myself ready to go to the dermatologist as it was still super tender to the touch and not getting better and Ray said let me look one more time. LOOK what he found!
Yep that is my ruler and yep it measures the thorn at 1/2 " long. No wonder it hurt!
I didn't even work with the palm tree the day I got the thorn so it must have been in the grass where I was sitting pulling weeds. Note to self...wear long pants when working in the yard!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Christmas has come early!
more later,
What happens at the retreat....
Monday, November 30, 2009
Grandma Emfinger's Pecan Pie Recipe

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Home...what a beautiful sight!
Laundry is washing away in the laundry room.
Now I need to figure out what I am taking to the retreat...yes another road trip...LOL I am not sure I get to claim a home address anymore! LOL
I have been looking forward to this retreat since last year, but my hind side is starting to talk to me about all the riding in cars.
Ray actually wants to go to Disney tomorrow, but I think I am going to tell him I will stay home this time.
Actually all of the travelling isn't over for either of us.
Joseph and I both are headed to Mobile on Thursday. he will head to a friend's house and I go to the retreat. We will get home on Monday and Ray leaves on that same day for three days. UGH!
Hopefully after that we will all be home for several weeks.
Ray's dad just called and asked if he had anymore vacation time for this year. He replied he had two weeks. FIL actually said, "good, you can come spend a whole week!"
He is staying home with me! We still have boxes in the garage. The front bedroom is full of boxes, and the middle bathroom is not finished.
Enough of that..I am tired of thinking about that stuff.
I made my FIRST pecan pie last week! It turned out really good too! My grandma used to make the absolute BEST pecan pie and she taught my mom how to make it. This year I asked Moma to teach me how to make it. I am so glad too! What makes this pie different is it doesn't have a gooey center and pecans on top. This is like a piece of pecan candy in a pie shell. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Ok, the dryer is going off...
Friday, November 27, 2009
1. Some relationships are mended after years of neglect
2. A mother-in-law who really does love me
3. I have the BEST husband
4. I was able to talk to all of my children yesterday even if I was unable to see all of them.
5. I don't live in Houston any more!
6. I live a pretty drama free life.
7. God continues to provide a good job for Ray and I am blessed by that.
8. I have friends who miss me (that may not sound like a blessing but really it is!)
There really are too many to count but I won't bore you with them all.
Now to get ready for Christmas!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Travelling again
I will be home a whole three days and I leave again to head back to Mobile for a quilt retreat. I was super excited about the retreat until this trip, now I am not sure how fun the drive will be! LOL
No, I know I will have so much fun, and the drive will be no big deal.
Right now my back is aching, I have a bite on my leg that is killing me (I did some yard work before leaving and got bit by something), and my allergies are raging. My FIL's wife's grand-daughter is on her way over with her two lovely children so I need to take some drugs so I can put on my smiley face.
There is a quilt shop about 30 miles from here I wanted to go to but may not get to go since they are only open a couple of hours today.
Oh well...all's well that ends well...
Pray for a happy ending!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I haven't got lost....
After 12 days of travelling and visiting I am T-I-R-E-D! But it has been great!!
Just today we have had the great chance to bless a police officer and his family. We happened to be eating in a restaurant and noticed a police officer (in uniform) eating with his wife and two young sons. Ray and I were able to get the waitress to bring us their bill so we could pay for it. Now it was not expensive maybe $40, but the blessing we got from being able to do for someone who puts his life on the line everyday for us. I didn't want the waitress to tell who paid for the bill, but she did and so they all came over to us to thank us. The wife had tears in her eyes.
God has blessed us so much with good health and a job with a good salary and most of all Ray has been blessed with a giving heart.
Then tonight we arrived at a hotel and was unloading our luggage when a nicely dressed woman walks up and asks if we can help her. She said her car broke down and she needs just a few more dollars to pay a cab to get home. Ray (smart man that he is) says he will be happy to pay the cab fare, but will only give it to the cab driver. She says thank you and steps aside saying she is calling the cab and then that he will be here in 15 minutes. We finish unloading our truck and look up and she is gone. Ray said he thought she was going to get her stuff from her car. So we get in our truck and drive in the direction she walked. Guess what, no broken down car, no lady and no cab arrived after 40 minutes. We waited and waited and then went inside the hotel to ask the clerk if she had seen the lady or the cab.
According to the clerk it was a scam...but my smart husband didn't giver her any money so no skin off our nose. But how sad!
Tomorrow we head back to Florida. I am glad to be getting home. I love travelling, but I love getting home.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Too much fun!
I played in fabric and quilts almost the whole time. Monday was the monthly meeting of Monday Bunch, a group from the Azalea City Quilters who makes Linus quilts, Quilts of Valor, and a couple of times a year quilts for a local Children's home. It was so much fun meeting each one at the door and surprising them! :^)
Right before I left I was telling Nancy how I needed to make a baby quilt while I was in Mobile since my husband's former secretary ( that is not what she is called, but I can't remember the correct term) just returned that day from maternity leave. So we found a top I had made from the last trip and I took it to quilt. She had a scrap piece if batting she had pieced together and already used what she needed from it and we laid it on the top and it was PERFECT! Then we found a pretty blue piece of flannel and put it on the back. All spray basted and ready to go. WOO HOO!
Tuesday was the monthly meeting of the Old Sew and Sews ( I do hate the old part!) and once again I got to surprise everyone. So after visiting and laughing and eating I got serious and started quilting on that top. Between me and several of the ladies it finally got quilted. I did the straight quilting in the ditch and Susan Wray my Aussie friend did the border in a large meandering stitch. Then we scrounged around and found a piece of orange that was JUST big enough to make the binding and I sewed that on.
Here is a link back to the picture I posted previously...my connection here at the hotel won't let me upload a picture.
So much happened in Mobile I will have more to blog later. Now I am in Houston waiting on morning rush traffic to die down so I can go see my friend Linda.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
I will arrive some time this evening so I might just show up on a few door steps while I am there.
I just found out I get to visit so I am just as surprised as anyone.
See you soon!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Houston we have a problem...
I thought! Do you see the clear box below with everything all neatly arranged?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Are you thinking about it?
Can you believe it is so close? I am having a hard time believing it is almost here.
I have been thinking lately about what I would like to buy my family for their presents.
I hate giving gift cards but I think at the stage of life my children are in they would appreciate and could use that more than anything. Not so fun, but useful.
My husband on the other hand I have thought of several things I would like to get him. Of course I can't put it here since he sometimes reads my blog.
My list...I have some things I would like. I have wanted a Digital Velocity Iron since a my friend Joanne got one. I love to iron, but only when my iron has lots of heat and tons of steam.
Joanne has the DV 95 and I tried it last year. It has both!
I would love to have a sewing table that is sturdy and heavy. Right now I am using a 2' x 4' adjustable height table I bought for my business. It is great, but if I am sewing fast it bounces. I would LOVE to find an old teachers desk and have it fitted for my machine. That would be perfect! I have looked at sewing tables sold in the local quilt shops but man they have a big price tag.
What is on your list?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's this?
And if you look closely you will see I am drinking...a Pepsi Max. I know, I know, never did you think you would see me, Diane, drinking anything but the "real thing", Coca Cola, but when your husband is losing weight like crazy and you are eating the exact food he is eating and not losing any you do crazy things!
I have also been listening to one of my favorite preachers, Chaplain Jim Fisher, Ph.D. on his church's website. He was our Pastor when we lived in Alabama, then he left to finish his doctorate and pastor in Indiana then go off to be a Chaplain in the Army. I sure love that family!I would like to finish the tops and quilt them and send them to Bro. Jim. Since he is one of the Chaplains on his base he knows many soldiers who could use a quilt. I really need to get organized and get more made.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Still no sewing...
Today was hazardous waste day. Our county offers this once a month (how cool is that?) so you can get rid of stuff you can't put in your trash. What a blessing to be able to get rid of old computer monitors and old paint and stuff like that, since I have been holding on to it for such a long time.
Now I just have to find a storage area for my Christmas decorating stuff and I will have enough space in my garage for my truck! WOO HOO!
This is a big deal. I have had the garage FULL to over flowing. But slowly Joseph and I have gotten boxes unloaded and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I hope before long I will have some sewing room photos.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today was a good day...
While we talked I worked in my bedroom doing more unpacking. Then after we ended our call Joseph and I worked in the garage for a couple of hours until we couldn't lift another box. The heat is the worst. It just zapps all your energy. I heard on the news we might get a cool front this weekend. I hope !
I didn't mean to be so grumpy yesterday. I really am thankful for my house and I love it.
I really would like to get to my sewing room though! :)
Monday, October 12, 2009
I'm still alive!
I tell you, that Mr. that we bought the house from sure was sneaky. We paid for so much stuff that was good enough to pass inspection, but really needs to be replaced. GRRRR!
We have already had the kitchen faucet replaced, the bathroom shower needs a new shower head, the instant on water heater is flaky, the dryer (that I didn't really want, but he wouldn't sell the house without it being included, the washer also) only works on two settings, high heat and fluff. UGH! Two ceiling fans MUST be replaces ASAP since they make so much noise you can't sleep in the same room with them.
I'm only telling this because I think people should be aware that not everyone in the world is honest. I think Mr. was afraid we were going to try and steal the house from him so he tried to cover all of his bases to keep as much money as possible. I understand him and his fear, but I am upset I am having to foot the bill to repair things I will be paying for in my mortgage payment each month FOR YEARS! No one item is a whole lot of money, but you put them all together and it is a chunk of change.
Do you remember when I said we were starting to have cooler weather? Well I lied! We have been having record breaking heat for over a week now. UGH! It has been anywhere from 92* to 95* everyday and NO rain.
Oh well I can't do anything about any of the things I have fussed about today so I might as well hush!
We (Joseph and I) are going out for pizza tonight. Ray had to go to West Palm Beach for a meeting in the morning so we are able to eat whatever we like and not feel guilty.
Friday, October 2, 2009
I knew it would happen...

OK, I have to go get some more work done the plumber will be here in a bit to replace the kitchen faucet...more on that later.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
October 1st
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Hooked up, but still in moving mode

Thursday, September 24, 2009
It is officially ours!

Finally! It only took over 2 hours to get all the paperwork signed. I tell you one thing though if you ever buy a house make sure you have a real estate attorney. We always have and it always goes without a hitch. This time the attorney was going to cost a lot more and we waffled a bit but went ahead and hired him. I am so glad we did! There was "posturing" as the attorney said. I called it being a horses butt, but in the end everything was signed and we are happy.
The front of the house already looks different. While I was at a stand still in the moving due to the carpet cleaners in the house we all attacked the three palm trees on the left of the front door. It looks so much nicer and you can actually see the house.
We had our first meal in the house. How nice! Can you tell which ones are paying attention to their diet and who aren't? Ray is still being VERY good, I am good, but with a coke, and Joseph is just eating what he wants most of the time with the occasional good meal.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
We are homeowners!

Monday, September 21, 2009
12 more hours!

Friday, September 18, 2009
I almost forgot!

Four days until Tuesday!!!!
We went looking for some living room furniture today. I guess I must be strange but out of five furniture stores I found one sofa that I liked. Nothing else. No end tables, no lamps, no dining table, nothing! I must have strange taste. I could go to one of the furniture stores where you basically build it to suit you, but I really didn't want to spend that much.
I don't like a sofa that you have to have a crane to help you get out. I don't like deep seats so your feet can't touch the floor, either that or your legs stick straight out like Edith Ann. All of the fabric choices were so hot looking too. Not hot as in nice either, hot as in turn up the A/C. I couldn't sit on many of them to even try them as they looked like they would make you sweat and itch if you did. On top of that it was 97* today, UGH!
We came home and turn the A/C to freeze your butt off and took a nap. NICE!
It looks like my old sofa will show up at the house after all. Oh well, it could be worse...I could not have a sofa at all.
I have found a couple of quilt tops I thought I had already finished and gave away. Apparently not! LOL
I have so much to add to my To Do list.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Five days to closing...

I was doing some blog surfing this morning (like most mornings) and saw on Judy's website she is doing a Quilt in an Hour. I will be in the middle of the move, but I will plan on doing that one!
Go check it out! You will love it...well at least I do. It looks like it would be a very versatile design.
I guess I will print it out and work on it as soon as my sewing room gets set up.
Speaking of sewing room...That is the first thing I plan on moving. I figure I will need to have something to help me relax during this. As a matter of fact...I have already thought I will pack my truck with a lot of my sewing room and have it ready to go as soon as we return from the realtor's office on Tuesday morning. SMART! LOL
PS. have any of you ever heard of the game Animal Crossing for the Wii? Well my youngest son played it on the Nintendo DS and when we bought the Wii he bought the game for that system. I am ADDICTED! It is the only game I can play and not die! Actually no one dies on this game so I am pretty safe. LOL
I plant flowers and fish and give money to the town for improvements...I know silly but it is fun.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
it continues...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
I woke up...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I worked on my "Welcome" applique while I was there.

I am making it similar to the pattern cover but think I may give it away. It looks too dark for the new house. I have never made quilts to match my house, but I am not sure this will go at all. We will see.
In two weeks we close on the house so I am in full pack up/clean up mode. We are working on this yard today to get all trimmed and weeded. The weeds are at a minimum (thank you mother in law!) but I have one tree and one huge hedge that has to be trimmed up. Things never stop growing here in central Florida.
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm getting too old for this....
I brought some applique to work on so I hope to feel like working on it this afternoon. Right now we are headed out to eat lunch. No one cooks around here, and with Ray HAVING to eat carefully I am going to go to the store and buy stuff for a big pot of vegetable soup.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
How did it get to be September already?
I know I have been a bit busy looking for and buying a house, but what happened to the year? Do you realize it is just over 16 weeks until Christmas? Christmas was just here!
I have a feeling this Thanksgiving and Christmas will be like last year's. We had just moved in the first week of October last year and this year it will be the last week in September. If nothing I am consistent! LOL
I am so glad I went to the retreat because I am sure I won't get any sewing time until after the move. And everyone knows once you move it takes forever to get the sewing room set up since the other members of the family don't seem to understand it's importance. The husband seems to think the most important room is the kitchen and living room and the son will probably agree. Oh well, I can't help it they are ignorant. :^)
It's all good!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Rain...dead things...new dishes
I have learned over the years I am not good with house plants. I ALWAYS kill them, usually by watering them too much. Once again I have killed plants. My mother in law tried to help me, but apparently she was too little too late, because they are DEAD. Man! Why didn't I get my dad's green thumb? He could throw a plant out in the yard bare roots and all, and in a few weeks they would be blooming and beautiful, honest. He has always been so successful with growing things, me, not so much.
Today we went to Kohl's and found my new dishes. I am so cheap I only looked at the clearance dishes. See the plate in the back of the picture? That is the dinner plate. Then I also chose the small bowl on the right as the dessert/soup bowl. I want to then add Fiesta in coordinating colors to fill out the place setting.
My new kitchen has white cabinets and a red back splash and a neutral counter top so this will be just the thing. I have had the same dishes since we married so it is time for some color!
Later tater,
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Home sweet home...
The class we took was working with striped fabric. It was kind of like kaleidoscope and stack and whack but without the precision needed. Perfect for a retreat!
wanna see more?
This looks like flowers but it was actually dear, how neat is that?
This was not made at the retreat, it was a mystery that I taught a couple of years ago and Lamoyn brought it to show me how it turned out. Looks great doesn't it?
More later....I need a nap!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Do you remember the line in To Kill A Mockingbird where the kids were just attacked in the woods and Boo rescued them and Scout says, "It's OK, you can pet him...if he was awake you couldn't..." If Joanne didn't love me I couldn't put this picture on my blog. Just anyone couldn't put this on their blog, but...she loves me.
I am having so much fun. So much that my head is POUNDING and my stomach aches and I am having a HUGE sugar rush. Ain't life good?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
One more linus top
Friday, August 14, 2009
A day to get out and about
Today though, I needed to get out for a bit. I think it was because I have had the new house on my mind and wanted to look at new "stuff" for the new place. I need new living room furniture and a dining table and chairs. I have not had a new dining table and chairs since I married 28 years ago and then it was a little kitchen table and 4 chairs that cost less than $100. I definitely have got my moneys worth from it, but it is time to buy something new. My living room furniture has been with us for about 11 years. Eleven years of kids jumping, eating, wallering,(good southern word) and terrorizing the dog on.
So I left the house headed to the furniture store. I ended up at Lowes...
I looked at plants, ceiling fans, rugs and door knobs and drawer pulls. I bought a book on Florida gardening.
I left there and went to an antique shop that had a great secretary the last time I was there. I found a quilt from the 1930's. I left without it, but I plan on taking Ray with me in the morning to look at it because as I walked out the door I saw a sign that read "everything 20% off". I looked at the quilt the last time I was there and it looked like there was only one block that had the slightest bit of damage to the fabric. I think it would be well worth $80 to cover one of the beds.
As I drove past Wal-Mart I remembered that George Strait's new album Twang was released Tuesday and so I wheeled right in.
I stopped at the library and borrowed some cook books to help with our heart healthy cooking, and a couple of gardening/landscaping books. I LOVE the library.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Another finish!
Once again,
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
And now we wait...